
#VeteranOfTheDay Army Veteran William E. Vicars

[ad_1] Army Veteran William E. Vicars is today’s Veteran of the Day. William E. Vicars was born in Paris, Illinois,…

3 years ago

U.S. VRK – Wounded Veteran program participant (2014)

U.S. Veterans' Rowing And Kayaking source

3 years ago

#VeteranOfTheDay Army Veteran Luis R. Visot

[ad_1] Today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is Army Veteran Luis R. Visot, who served as the chief of staff for the United States…

3 years ago

Donald Trump awards Medal of Honour to Vietnam War veteran Gary M. Rose

President Trump discusses the operation in Vietnam in which U.S. Army medic Gary M. Rose displayed his heroic actions for…

3 years ago

#VeteranOfTheDay Marine Corps Veteran Gil Hodges

[ad_1] Marine Corps Veteran Gil Hodges is today’s Veteran of the Day Gil Hodges was born in April 1924, in…

3 years ago

#VeteranOfTheDay Marine Corps Veteran Roberto Clemente

[ad_1] Today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is Marine Corps Veteran Roberto Clemente, who served as an infantryman in the Marine Corps Reserve. Roberto…

3 years ago

Metro-east firefighters help wounded veteran get customized vehicle

Sgt. Cameron Crouch, with his wife Christy, talks about the importance of staying positive, something he said he's learned since…

3 years ago

#VeteranOfTheDay Army Air Corps Veteran Fitzroy “Buck” Newsum

[ad_1] Army Air Corps Veteran Fitzroy “Buck” Newsum is today’s Veteran of the Day. Fitzroy “Buck” Newsum was born in…

3 years ago

101-year-old veteran recalls World War II battle in Italy

[ad_1] Billy Earl Kirby’s own blood helped give Italy’s Rapido River its second name, “Bloody River.”Kirby, a native of Osage,…

3 years ago

#VeteranOfTheDay Navy Veteran Richard O’Kane

[ad_1] Today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is Navy Veteran Richard O’Kane, who served as a submarine commander and received a Medal of Honor…

3 years ago